The story of Brian Boru, his life, his triumph and tragic death at Clontarf in 1014 has captured the imagination of generations of Irish people.
The national programme of events will centre on four key locations with links to Brian’s life; Killaloe in Co. Clare, Brian’s birthplace and seat of Brian Boru’s High Kingship , Cashel in Co.Tipperary where Brian was crowned High King of Ireland, Clontarf in Dublin where Brian died, and Armagh, where Brian Boru is buried.
The programme listed here includes the largest Viking living history village and battle re-enactment ever staged in these islands.
Now, for the first time, in the millennium of the famous battle and the death of Brian there is a single website where you can follow in the footsteps of the King known as the “Emperor of the Irish”.
The Programme of Festivals, Events and Initiatives to commemorate Brian Boru and the millennium of The Battle of Clontarf is a collaboration between the Local Authorities, community and voluntary groups from the counties of Armagh, Clare, Dublin and Tipperary, The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, The National Museum of Ireland and Trinity College Dublin.
• Clontarf Residents’ Association – which is one of the oldest RA’s in Dublin representing the 18,000 residents of Clontarf.
• Clontarf Historical Society – the local historical society with over 40 members and in existence since 1978.
• Clontarf Business Association – which represents the interests of almost 200 businesses based in Clontarf.
• Raheny Heritage Society – the neighbouring heritage society with 35 members and in existence for 26 years.